For 35 years, Darlene and I have labored together in the ministry of Christian Education (see below).  In 5 schools and 4 states, I have taught 1 subject–Bible–as it relates to English, history, and a variety of other topics.  In addition, I have published articles, short stories, and a play; have served on two state-wide Christian school boards; have taught numerous seminars; and have had an ESL ministry as well as teaching full time and tutoring on the side.

This fall I will be teaching English at Valley Heights Christian Academy in Norwich, NY.  Darlene has a good job working as a nurse in a local hospital, and we are well established in a great church.  Additionally, I have had a fairly active ministry of pulpit supply in area churches, and continue to write and edit Christian material.

My passion is teaching others the things that are really important in this life and the next.  I am always willing to speak, preach, write, tutor, design presentations, or help someone else with these projects.  God gave me my experiences and some talent in order to be a help to others.

Please feel free to explore the web site and contact us with your questions or comments.

What Is Christian?
Christian refers to the fact that we believe what the Bible says about salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone; and consequently we take very seriously what the Bible says about life in general.  That’s why we put a great emphasis on the biblical values concerning:
Individual Responsibility
The Value of Human Life
Righteous Living
Submission to Authority
Involvement in a Bible-believing Church
Excellence in All Our Endeavors
Hard Work
etc., etc.
What is Education?
Jesus Christ said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh to the Father but by Me.”
The Way, the Truth, and the Life–they are combined in the person of our Savior in an integral manner which teaches us that all truth is God’s truth, and is designed to point us to Him.  The conveying of that truth from one person to another with the goal of life-changing influence in a godly direction is true education.  It is accomplished in many ways:
Teaching and Tutoring
Modeling Right Behavior
Exhorting the Mistaken
Encouraging the Weak
Confronting the Antagonist
and in various formats whether written, spoken, taught, or caught!

Need a ghost writer?  An editor?  A tutor?  A pulpit supply preacher?  A seminar or conference speaker?  Contact me for more information!  I am experienced in all of these areas, and would love to help you or your ministry.